Oliver Tse

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.
Georg Cantor (1845—1918, German mathematician)

Research Interests

My research topics in the past and present include

  • Analysis of nonlinear diffusion systems and multiscale analysis of variational evolutions
  • Kinetic equations: qualitative properties, multiscale modeling and analysis, and numerical simulation
  • Optimal control with PDEs: multiscale analysis of adjoint-based methods
  • Interacting particle systems: consensus-based methods in global optimization, disease and population dynamics, large deviations
  • Variational methods and algorithms in quantum computing

My current focus lies on the connections between optimal transport, (generalized) gradient flows and large deviations, and on probabilistic methods for studying variational evolutions, with an eye toward applications.

Selected Recent (Unpublished) Material (full list)

  • with Evie Nielen and Karen Veroy. Polytope Division Method: A Scalable Sampling Method for Problems with High-dimensional Parameters (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Jasper Hoeksema and Anastasiia Hraivoronska. Large population limit of interacting population dynamics via generalized gradient structures (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Nilasis Chaudhuri, Young-Pil Choi, and Ewelina Zatorska. Existence of weak solutions and long-time asymptotics for a hydrodynamic model of swarming (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Robert de Keijzer, Servaas Kokkelmans, and Luke Visser. Qubit fidelity under stochastic Schrödinger equations driven by colored noise (arXiv:2401.11758)
  • with Yuan Gao and Jian-Guo Liu. Optimal control formulation of transition path problems for Markov Jump Processes (arXiv:2311.07795)
  • with Shi Chen, Qin Li, and Stephen Wright. Accelerating optimization over the space of probability measures (arXiv:2310.04006)
  • with Robert de Keijzer, Servaas Kokkelmans and Luke Visser. A variational method for learning Quantum Channels via Stinespring Dilation on neutral atom systems (arXiv:2309.10593)
  • with Anastasiia Hraivoronska and André Schlichting. Variational convergence of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme to the aggregation-diffusion equation and vanishing diffusion limit (arXiv:2306.02226)
  • with Alberto Montefusco and Upanshu Sharma. Fourier-Cattaneo equation: stochastic origin, variational formulation, and asymptotic limits (arXiv:2211.07265)
  • with Jasper Hoeksema, Thomas Holding and Mario Maurelli. Large deviations for singularly interacting diffusions (arXiv:2002.01295)