Oliver Tse

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.
Alfréd Rényi (1921—1970, Hungarian mathematician)

Journal Publications

Selected Unpublished Material

  • with Evie Nielen and Karen Veroy. Polytope Division Method: A Scalable Sampling Method for Problems with High-dimensional Parameters (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Jasper Hoeksema and Anastasiia Hraivoronska. Large population limit of interacting population dynamics via generalized gradient structures (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Nilasis Chaudhuri, Young-Pil Choi, and Ewelina Zatorska. Existence of weak solutions and long-time asymptotics for a hydrodynamic model of swarming (arXiv:2402.07130)
  • with Robert de Keijzer, Servaas Kokkelmans, and Luke Visser. Qubit fidelity under stochastic Schrödinger equations driven by colored noise (arXiv:2401.11758)
  • with Yuan Gao and Jian-Guo Liu. Optimal control formulation of transition path problems for Markov Jump Processes (arXiv:2311.07795)
  • with Shi Chen, Qin Li, and Stephen Wright. Accelerating optimization over the space of probability measures (arXiv:2310.04006)
  • with Robert de Keijzer, Servaas Kokkelmans and Luke Visser. A variational method for learning Quantum Channels via Stinespring Dilation on neutral atom systems (arXiv:2309.10593)
  • with Anastasiia Hraivoronska and André Schlichting. Variational convergence of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme to the aggregation-diffusion equation and vanishing diffusion limit (arXiv:2306.02226)
  • with Alberto Montefusco and Upanshu Sharma. Fourier-Cattaneo equation: stochastic origin, variational formulation, and asymptotic limits (arXiv:2211.07265)
  • with Jasper Hoeksema, Thomas Holding and Mario Maurelli. Large deviations for singularly interacting diffusions (arXiv:2002.01295)
  • with Jarosław Wlazło, Robert Feßler, René Pinnau and Norbert Siedow. Elastic image registration with exact mass preservation. (arXiv:1609.04043)
  • with René Pinnau, Sebastian Rau and Florian Schneider. The semi-classical limit of an optimal design problem for the stationary Quantum Drift-Diffusion model. (arXiv:1402.5518)

Refereed Proceedings